Below is the review of the Double Dagger Weight lifting gloves and wrist wraps.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Why wait for New Years to start your resolution..?
Start getting in shape now!
Group and one on one sessions available so book your session today!!!
Queen Microfiber 4 Piece Bed Sheet Set (White) -Review
So I got the chance to buy some of these extra soft microfiber bed sheets and I jumped at it. Honestly, I'll sleep on whatever but I know my wife likes this type of stuff so I said let's do it. I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised. These sheets are super soft and feel really good against your skin. I've only had them for a day but last night was a very good night sleep. The company boasts

- SUPER SOFT - SILKY TOUCH - HIGHEST QUALITY DOUBLE BRUSHED MICROFIBER - Made of the highest quality microfiber and workmanship so you know it lasts! We made sure to brush the fabric from both sides so that it is extra soft! Fabulous selection of colors will make your bedroom look like a dream celebrity home!
- FEEL BETTER RIGHT AWAY - you will immediately get a better sleep and be able to wake up in the morning to a new day refreshed and full of energy. Silky soft, the most comfortable and luxurious bed sheets you can ever find. Works best for any room in your house, Bedroom, guest room, kids room, RV, vacation home and makes a perfect gift for your loved one.
Personally, I can't argue with these claims so far. I received them at a reduced rate in return for my honest product review. So in summary, if you are in the market for some super soft, nice bedding, I recommend giving these a shot. They can be found Queen Microfiber 4 Piece Bed Sheet Set
And no, I do not get paid or get any kick back for any of these sheets sold.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Sound Intone Wired DJ Heaphones with Microphone Review

Noise Canceling
Now, I never have bought or used the top of the line Bose or Beats by Dre headphones so I'm sure those may do a slightly better job. However for some headphones that cost less than $20.00 these are the bomb in my opinion.
There are a variety of colors available which make them stylish in my opinion.
Microphone and volume control
The wire contains a microphone and volume control on it. The wire is micro braided and does not seem like it will short out due to wear and tear. You can also control the volume of sound coming into your ear from the wire which is a nice bonus. If you like to talk using your headphones there is a built in microphone as well as the option to answer phone calls with your headphones.
Overall thoughts
Great pair of wired headphones for a reasonable price. Well constructed, durable and seems like they will last a long time.
You can check out my youtube review below.

Friday, September 18, 2015
Let's talk diet, nutrition and eating habits...for the average joe
This is a picture from earlier today, as you can see I have a pretty nice cut going but I am not super shredded at the moment. I hopped on the scale and it looks like I am about 210 lbs. I would assume I'm somewhere between 10-12% body fat if I were just guestimating.
So Am I following a strict diet right now?
Yes and No. Honestly, in the last 2 weeks I have eaten nachos, fried seafood platters, bread, pasta, ice cream and a good bit of other junk. Thus, I am not on some strict torture diet. But, I do try to keep a system going which I feel helps me keep my body fat in order.
So here are a few of my tips...
For Breakfast-
Oatmeal, Eggs, and/or Fruit!
Now if you are like me, you can't stand the texture of regular oatmeal! I mean I just hate that running snotty texture oatmeal! However, there is a type of oatmeal called Steel Cut Oats and the textures are night and day! I love GRITS but I don't eat them as much as I use to. I say this because when I eat Steel Cut Oats I don't feel like I am missing out much. I'll sprinkle a little cinnamon (natural fat burner), raisons, nuts, and salt and I am good to go. Matter of fact, that salty/sweet contrast tastes awesome to me.
Another option is a Protein Smoothie.
You can't really go wrong with a banana, ice, some almond milk,a little honey( or maple syrup), and some frozen berries. For added protein, add a scoop of whey protein and you have a healthy energy packed breakfast.
Tip: Get some ripe bananas, peel them and freeze them ahead of time. They make your smoothie take on an ice cream consistency.
Lunch and Dinner-
I try to keep it simple. Veggies, and meat! I'll endulge in a good bit of carbs if it is right post workout but otherwise I try not to go overboard with the pasta, rice, bread etc. A fist size portion is good enough.
I ask my clients time and time again if they drink alot of water and by and large I get the same response. No, I don't like how water tastes, water is nasty, etc...
Look, you need Water! Our bodies are made of more than 50% water. We need it to function, it keeps us from being hungry! It flushes out the toxins. When you are drinking enough water your body will stop retaining water and actually let go of some of the water weight that it normally stores. Your skin will look better, you will feel better. Trust me, you need to be drinking more water! Not sugar water, tea, or water with sweetner, straight up WATER! H2O!
Shoot for a gallon a day, sure that's a lofty goal but if you miss the mark you will still be getting in a sufficient amount of water to keep you functioning on a high level.
Drink a large glass of water before your meals and it will keep you from over indulging on your food as well.
Additionally, a lot of times when you feel hungry you are not hungry but instead you are actually Thirsty!
So if you are like me, you always want to know what can I snack on. What are my options!?
Here is a brief list of things I use or recommend.
Nuts: Cashews, Peanuts, Almonds, Pistachios etc... High fat content makes you feel full...decent amount of protein

Nut Butters: Peanut Butters, nut butters etc...
Fruits: Can't go wrong with fruits. My philosophy is fruits are from the earth, your body will break them down better than simple carbs so I don't trip about fruit like some people do. Enjoy them, God put them here for you!
Seeds: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds etc... Like nuts, high in fat, good protein,
Greek Yogurt: Taste Good and is a better alternative than ice cream. I like to mix mine with peanut butter! Yum.
Popcorn: Another one of my favorites. I have long stopped using the microwave but I have an Airpop popper I got for about 20 dollars at Walmart. No need for oil and you control your salt distribution so this can be a very healthy snack. One of my go to snacks when I have late night cravings and I want something instead of nuts.
Kale Chips: Haven't made them in a while but sprinkle some oil and salt on kale and place in the oven and bake until crispy. This is actually a pretty tasty treat. There are tons of ways to season this as well so use google and go find some tasty recipes.
Beanitos: These chips are good too and made from beans so they are a bit healthier!
These are a few to get you on your way. Don't sabotage yourself by drinking a large soda or sweet tea with your snacks though. Sugar gets you every time.
Some people like a cheat meal, some people prefer a cheat day and still others don't do either and just calculate their macro and micro nutrient needs so that they can get in a little junk everyday so long as their overall calorie count and protein, carb, fat ratios are not affected.
Personally, I am more of the cheat day type of guy myself. But a cheat meal will probably yield the greatest results as a whole. Myself, I have a kind of addictive personality so let's say I have been avoiding cookies, once I eat one then I want to eat it until it is gone. Thus, on my cheat times I prefer to just cheat the whole day but still with in reason.
Now let's use some logic here for a second. Here is the reason I don't see a problem with this. Let's say you eat like crap everyday...Cookies, fast food, sodas, chips, and no nutrient dense food. All of a sudden you decide I'm going to eat healthy for one meal or even for the day!!! Do you honestly think that will have a long term affect on your health and fitness? Exactly, and the same applies to your body if you are consistently doing right and have one bad slip up day. Hell, depending on your training and when it is consumed simple sugars and high carbs are actually beneficial to your goals!
At the end of the day, it really all boils down to calories in vs calories out. Don't get me wrong, this is a vast oversimplification however, in a nut shell what you don't burn you store. And how does your body store energy...YEP...FAT! There are many calorie calculators out there. A very simple way to guestimate your calorie requirements is to take your current body weight so let's say you are 185lbs. Then multiply that by 10, That would give you 1850 thus your body needs about 1850 calories to maintain your current weight. Eat more and you will gain, eat less and you should drop. Here is where a food journal comes in handy because you can track your progress and monitor whether you are seeing the progress you are looking for. Over the weeks you just adjust your calorie intake accordingly and you should start seeing that scale slide in the direction of your desire.
This was a quick summary of tips and tricks I've been using over the years. Hopefully it can help you on your journey. I think this guide will be helpful if you are new to dieting/working out however if you are trying to be a serious bodybuilder or seeking to get into single digit body fat numbers then you will have to be a lot stricter about the things I mentioned above. At this point, I don't have a desire to walk across anyone's stage or be judged by my body so this works great for me. A few things I neglected to mention earlier are supplements. I'll do a separate blog on that on another date.
In the meantime Cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, and green tea are some other ingredients, spices, etc that you may want to incorporate into your routine. They all aid fat loss and help to spike your metabolism as well. If there is something else you would like me to address feel free to ask!
Thanks for reading!
-Mark BFitness
So Am I following a strict diet right now?
Yes and No. Honestly, in the last 2 weeks I have eaten nachos, fried seafood platters, bread, pasta, ice cream and a good bit of other junk. Thus, I am not on some strict torture diet. But, I do try to keep a system going which I feel helps me keep my body fat in order.
So here are a few of my tips...
For Breakfast-
Oatmeal, Eggs, and/or Fruit!
Now if you are like me, you can't stand the texture of regular oatmeal! I mean I just hate that running snotty texture oatmeal! However, there is a type of oatmeal called Steel Cut Oats and the textures are night and day! I love GRITS but I don't eat them as much as I use to. I say this because when I eat Steel Cut Oats I don't feel like I am missing out much. I'll sprinkle a little cinnamon (natural fat burner), raisons, nuts, and salt and I am good to go. Matter of fact, that salty/sweet contrast tastes awesome to me.
Another option is a Protein Smoothie.
You can't really go wrong with a banana, ice, some almond milk,a little honey( or maple syrup), and some frozen berries. For added protein, add a scoop of whey protein and you have a healthy energy packed breakfast.
Tip: Get some ripe bananas, peel them and freeze them ahead of time. They make your smoothie take on an ice cream consistency.
Lunch and Dinner-
I try to keep it simple. Veggies, and meat! I'll endulge in a good bit of carbs if it is right post workout but otherwise I try not to go overboard with the pasta, rice, bread etc. A fist size portion is good enough.
I ask my clients time and time again if they drink alot of water and by and large I get the same response. No, I don't like how water tastes, water is nasty, etc...
Look, you need Water! Our bodies are made of more than 50% water. We need it to function, it keeps us from being hungry! It flushes out the toxins. When you are drinking enough water your body will stop retaining water and actually let go of some of the water weight that it normally stores. Your skin will look better, you will feel better. Trust me, you need to be drinking more water! Not sugar water, tea, or water with sweetner, straight up WATER! H2O!
Shoot for a gallon a day, sure that's a lofty goal but if you miss the mark you will still be getting in a sufficient amount of water to keep you functioning on a high level.
Drink a large glass of water before your meals and it will keep you from over indulging on your food as well.
Additionally, a lot of times when you feel hungry you are not hungry but instead you are actually Thirsty!
So if you are like me, you always want to know what can I snack on. What are my options!?
Here is a brief list of things I use or recommend.
Nuts: Cashews, Peanuts, Almonds, Pistachios etc... High fat content makes you feel full...decent amount of protein
Fruits: Can't go wrong with fruits. My philosophy is fruits are from the earth, your body will break them down better than simple carbs so I don't trip about fruit like some people do. Enjoy them, God put them here for you!
Seeds: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds etc... Like nuts, high in fat, good protein,

Popcorn: Another one of my favorites. I have long stopped using the microwave but I have an Airpop popper I got for about 20 dollars at Walmart. No need for oil and you control your salt distribution so this can be a very healthy snack. One of my go to snacks when I have late night cravings and I want something instead of nuts.
Kale Chips: Haven't made them in a while but sprinkle some oil and salt on kale and place in the oven and bake until crispy. This is actually a pretty tasty treat. There are tons of ways to season this as well so use google and go find some tasty recipes.

These are a few to get you on your way. Don't sabotage yourself by drinking a large soda or sweet tea with your snacks though. Sugar gets you every time.
Some people like a cheat meal, some people prefer a cheat day and still others don't do either and just calculate their macro and micro nutrient needs so that they can get in a little junk everyday so long as their overall calorie count and protein, carb, fat ratios are not affected.
Personally, I am more of the cheat day type of guy myself. But a cheat meal will probably yield the greatest results as a whole. Myself, I have a kind of addictive personality so let's say I have been avoiding cookies, once I eat one then I want to eat it until it is gone. Thus, on my cheat times I prefer to just cheat the whole day but still with in reason.
Now let's use some logic here for a second. Here is the reason I don't see a problem with this. Let's say you eat like crap everyday...Cookies, fast food, sodas, chips, and no nutrient dense food. All of a sudden you decide I'm going to eat healthy for one meal or even for the day!!! Do you honestly think that will have a long term affect on your health and fitness? Exactly, and the same applies to your body if you are consistently doing right and have one bad slip up day. Hell, depending on your training and when it is consumed simple sugars and high carbs are actually beneficial to your goals!
At the end of the day, it really all boils down to calories in vs calories out. Don't get me wrong, this is a vast oversimplification however, in a nut shell what you don't burn you store. And how does your body store energy...YEP...FAT! There are many calorie calculators out there. A very simple way to guestimate your calorie requirements is to take your current body weight so let's say you are 185lbs. Then multiply that by 10, That would give you 1850 thus your body needs about 1850 calories to maintain your current weight. Eat more and you will gain, eat less and you should drop. Here is where a food journal comes in handy because you can track your progress and monitor whether you are seeing the progress you are looking for. Over the weeks you just adjust your calorie intake accordingly and you should start seeing that scale slide in the direction of your desire.
This was a quick summary of tips and tricks I've been using over the years. Hopefully it can help you on your journey. I think this guide will be helpful if you are new to dieting/working out however if you are trying to be a serious bodybuilder or seeking to get into single digit body fat numbers then you will have to be a lot stricter about the things I mentioned above. At this point, I don't have a desire to walk across anyone's stage or be judged by my body so this works great for me. A few things I neglected to mention earlier are supplements. I'll do a separate blog on that on another date.
In the meantime Cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, and green tea are some other ingredients, spices, etc that you may want to incorporate into your routine. They all aid fat loss and help to spike your metabolism as well. If there is something else you would like me to address feel free to ask!
Thanks for reading!
-Mark BFitness
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Pure Moringa Oleifera - Product Review

Vitamin B,B1,B2,B3,B6,E, and C! I'm not done, it also has Iron, Fiber, Calcium, Protein, Vitamin A, Zinc, Copper, Sulfur, Chloride, Folic Acid, Selenium, Chromium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Manganese, and Magnesium. So after reading all of that one can see why Moringa is so highly regarded.
A few months back my wife bought the pure Moringa Oleifera powder and I decided to mix up a drink. I'm no stranger to drinking barely grass, wheat grass, oat grass etc... so I figured this couldn't be too bad. Boy was I wrong! It not only tasted like grass but it had a stronger taste that just sat in my throat long after I finished swallowing my drink! Needless to say, this was not something that was on my favorite drink list to consume.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I was presented an opportunity to review a 60 capsule bottle of Moringa in return for my honest review. Being that I am very familiar with all of the great properties associated with the Moringa, I wanted to try it again, especially since this version is in pill form. I figured this would be much easier to swallow. This time I was correct. I can't stress the difference it makes being able to swallow this in pill form versus trying to drink down the chalky powder. These pills are easy to swallow and I had no after taste or side effects from them. Honestly, I don't feel that I received any energy burst from the Moringa however I am a healthy 6' 200lb male and I regularly use a few select supplements to keep me at tip top performance. I will say that my weight has been dropping a bit but again I am not sure if this is 100% due to the Moringa or just the hardwork I am putting in at the gym. Either way, I will continue to take my sample until I run out.
Again, I did receive this product for free in return for my unbiased review. Thanks for reading
-Mark BFitness

Thursday, September 10, 2015
Limm High Speed Jump Rope - Product Review

If you are in the market for a good rope to help you lose those extra few lbs and unwanted calories you may want to give this one a try. Yesterday they were running a 50% off sale as well.
For less than $10.00 you can turn your body into a fat burning machine. Again, I received this product for free in order to give my honest unbiased review. I have a pretty nice assortment of jump ropes since I teach a small group exercise class however for me, this is my personal favorite at the moment.
Thanks for reading.

Copperside Kinesio Tape -Product Review

Hi, it's Mark and I have another product review coming to you. Once again, I will be giving my thoughts on another brand of Kinesio Tape. I received a shipment for free so that I could give my honest opinion about the product. So let's get right into it!
1) No bells and whistles!
- The product shipped to me in a plain box with a simple logo. Upon opening the packaging there was simply a black roll of kinesio tape. There was no branding on the tape compared to brands such as KT Tape or APE Tape. Now this is neither good nor bad, just a simple analysis that I noticed.
- At the end of the day, does it work? The answer is Yes it does! Maybe even bettter than some of the more expensive brands. Some of the other brands I use slip off as soon as I get sweaty. I didn't have that problem with this brand. My problem area is the achilles and time after time the Copperside Kinesio tape has stayed in place even after a sweaty, grueling, high intensity training session!
3) Good Price!
- Compared to some of the other brands, this one is reasonable priced. The lack of extensive branding translates into a product that can be obtained at better prices.
4) Summary
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Selfie Stick - Product Review
and for the record no I do not get paid for this review or any traffic directed towards amazon from this. I did however, receive this product for free so that I could provide an honest review of it.
With that said, here are my thoughts.
1) You know society has hit an all time low as far as vanity is concerned when the idea of a selfie stick becomes relevant. Social media is definitely the driving force behind this and with sites like Instagram and Youtube around it is no surprise we desire products such as selfie sticks to get that perfect video or photo!
2) My initial reaction was disappointment as I thought my selfie stick did not work. My phone kept trying to zoom when I clicked on the photo button and I figured maybe the selfie stick wasn't compatible with the Samsung Galaxy 4 phone that I possess. Being as though I received this product for free, I really did not want to give it a bad review however, if it doesn't work I wanted to give my honest opinion.
3) After reading a few reviews on Amazon, I learned that you can change the settings of your phones camera mode to make the volume button control either the zoom, the photo or the video options. Once I learned this I was able to make the selfie stick work on my phone. This was a very simple fix and a slight mention in the directions would have alleviated this problem.
4) Once I learned how to operate the selfie stick it was very simple to use. Plug in the headphone jack to your phone, extended the monopod, and shoot away.
5) This is a good product for a cheap price. It seems well made, I don't think it will break easily and it compresses to a size that looks like it can easily fit into a ladies purse or backpack.
Overall, I am impressed with the product. My only complaint is that a more detailed explanation should accompany the product informing the consumer how to change the settings in the event that the selfie stick doesn't work on the initial try. At $6.99 you can't beat the price either.

galaxy 4,
product review,
selfie stick,
smart phone,
Monday, August 31, 2015
Training has been going great so far!
Well, I make no secrets about it. I want to compete again. Watching the 2015 Track and Field Championships ignited something in me as watching any major Track and Field Championships does. I want it and if my two achilles' can hold up, I will continue training for it. Never did I imagine that my achilles' would be my limiting factors but here I am trying to rehab not one but two damaged ones. They don't hurt 100% of the time but they don't feel good 100% of the time either. It sucks, but I have been better about wearing my Kinesio Tape before doing any real running and trying to wear my compression socks a bit more.
In the Weight Room, I adopted that 5-3-1 Training Program and that has been going very well for me. I'm on week 8 right now which is my deload week but aside from my deloads my reps have been continually going up even though my weight is going up! Thus, I am making good progress. The major lifts for this program are Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift, and Shoulder Press. After I finish my required lifts for the day, I normally finish up with some Pullups/Chinup work and a bunch of Ab work.
If I can make my speed increase the same way my strength is going up then this will be a wonderful season. I figure what the hell, I can still try to beat all of the other 30+ year olds in the nation.
In the Weight Room, I adopted that 5-3-1 Training Program and that has been going very well for me. I'm on week 8 right now which is my deload week but aside from my deloads my reps have been continually going up even though my weight is going up! Thus, I am making good progress. The major lifts for this program are Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift, and Shoulder Press. After I finish my required lifts for the day, I normally finish up with some Pullups/Chinup work and a bunch of Ab work.
If I can make my speed increase the same way my strength is going up then this will be a wonderful season. I figure what the hell, I can still try to beat all of the other 30+ year olds in the nation.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Trying to get this Small group workout off the ground
Ok, so I recently decided I would try to start a small workout class/session. Afterall, many many people have asked me about doing one so I finally decided ok lets do it. However, now that I have actually dedicated a time to doing one, seems like nobody wants to commit to it. Now, it seems like everyone I talk to prefers a one on one session for whatever reason.
I'm still trying to get it off the ground because 1) it is cheaper than my one on one sessions thus more people can afford it. 2) I can meet with more people at one time. 3) Sometimes it's more fun to workout in a group than solo.
I understand in life you have to pay your dues sometimes and build things up but it's sucks not having the constant flow that I think it should have. Ah well, I guess this is part vent, part inquiry as to any suggestions that might help this class manifest as it should.
We currently meet at 5:30pm MWF at City Park. Is this a bad time?
There have been between 2-5 people on a given day, is this intimidating?
I guess at the end of the day I just need more exposure...
To be continued...
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Omega-3 Supreme 1400 mg Fish Oil Concentrate 180ct- PRODUCT REVIEW

If you ever go on any of the bodybuilding sites or listen to Dr. Oz, you will here the recommendation of taking Omega 3 Fish Oils! Personally, I have never used them before so I didn't know what to think nor did I have any expectations. But I will give you my unbiased opinion on this supplement and let you know if I had any noteworthy results.
I came across this website give you 5 reasons why you should take Fish Oil.
Here is the link to the fullarticle:
In summary
1) Fish Oil can help you lose body fat
2) Fish Oil can help you build muscle
3) Fish Oil will decrease body inflammation, enhancing body composition
4) Improve Insulin sensitivity and metabolism
5) Improve body composition
Like I said, I've never taken any type of Fish Oil before so I really had no expectations.
The pills were a bit bigger than I was expecting but still smaller than horse pills and
not hard to swallow due to the gel coating. I was also pleased that there was no fish taste or
burping that I hear can sometimes accompany fish oil pills.
So far everything seems to be working in order. No side effects so far. I'm not exactly sure if it is helping me at the moment but I also don't feel like it is hurting me so I will finish out the bottle and see if I feel better after taking it. I did receive a free bottle of this supplement in return for my honest review. As you can see this was my honest first hand assessment.
Some other faqs listed on the bottle include:
Life & Food Omega-3 Supreme Advantage
○ Highly concentrated and pure, pharmaceutical grade (above 75% Omega-3)
○ 644/336 EPA/DHA levels (Meeting GOED standards).
○ Fish Oil concentrate made from IFOS 5-star certified fish oils (raw material).
○ Contains the minimum recommended 1,000 mg (1g) of Omega-3s per serving.
○ Sourced from wild Alaskan caught Pollock. Sustainable and certified operation by MSC.
○ USA Manufactured and laboratory tested in FDA, GMP, NSF certified facilities.
○ Molecularly distilled, clean refined and tested. ○ Easy to swallow soft gelatin capsules.
○ Enteric coated for max absorption and no fish burps.
Guaranteed to be pharmaceutical grade 75% Omega-3s (with 644 mg of EPA and 336 mg of DHA) meeting GOED Standard levels. GOED, The Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s, was developed to help ensure that omega-3 oils reaching consumers were both safe and of high quality.
So if you are in the market for a Fish Oil pill, give this one a try and see how it works for you,
It's currently on sale on amazon for 26.97 for the 180 ct.
Thanks for reading!
-Mark BFitness

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
M-100s Workout
Here is a pretty simple but effective workout to get the heart rate bumping as a warm up, finishing, or total workout depending on your fitness level. It's simple in concept. 100 reps! These reps will be broken into sets of 3.
Your sets will consist the following:
10 Burpees
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Double Pump Squat Jumps
Thats one set. Repeat that 3 times and finish off with another set of 10 Burpees. And there you have it. 100 reps in the books, you have just completed M-100s. These are the types of workouts that aid fat loss! They are short but high intensity thus even when you finish working out your body will still be burning tons of calories! They call this the AfterBurn effect.
Give it a try and let me know how you make out!!! You can also take this template and create limitless variations of this workout so be creative, have fun, and most importantly MOVE SOMETHING!!!
Here's another variation of the M-100 workout I created. Give this one a try as well!!!
-Mark B Fitness
Your sets will consist the following:
10 Burpees
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Double Pump Squat Jumps
Thats one set. Repeat that 3 times and finish off with another set of 10 Burpees. And there you have it. 100 reps in the books, you have just completed M-100s. These are the types of workouts that aid fat loss! They are short but high intensity thus even when you finish working out your body will still be burning tons of calories! They call this the AfterBurn effect.
Give it a try and let me know how you make out!!! You can also take this template and create limitless variations of this workout so be creative, have fun, and most importantly MOVE SOMETHING!!!
Here's another variation of the M-100 workout I created. Give this one a try as well!!!
-Mark B Fitness
Monday, August 3, 2015
APE TAPE- Product Review
----------APE TAPE-------


There are a wide variety of colors to choose from. Personally, I like to stick with black myself but the available colors vary from the following:
Blue, orange and power black on Amazon and atleast another 8 more according to the box.
Ape Tape comes in 2 different sizes - 2inch and 4inch. The prices on amazon are 24.95 for the 2inch and 29.95 for the 4 inch. The total length of tape measured off at 24.4 ft. This is atleast 8 ft more than you get with most of the other brands and because the tape is not pre-cut you can decide just how much you want to use at any given application. Additionally, the grid pattern on the backside of the tape helps to measure and make accurate cuts.
As soon as I opened the package, the smell of medicated adhesive rushed my nose. My athletic tape may smell that way but this was the first time I noticed it so abruptly. Ape Tape claims to use a special proprietary APESTICK Hypoallergenic adhesive so maybe that was the smell I noticed. Either way, that doesn't have an affect on it's usefullness however it was something that caught my attention.

Ape Tape is just as good as any other kinesio tape on the market in my opinion. The additional 8ft of tape also makes it an attractive brand to purchase. I wish I could validate the claim that it will last five days however that was not my experience. I did like the size of the tape as I felt it was thicker than the other athletic tapes that I am use to. Bottom line, does it work on injuries? You bet your butt it does and at the end of the day that's all that matters. If you are a competitive athlete you are only truly worried about your tape working during training or on GAME DAY. A new application would typically be used after that so whether your tape can last five days or not is more of a moot point. When it counts Ape Tape delivers!Disclosure- I received this product free so that I could give my honest unbiased review. The opinions expressed are my own and have not been influence in anyway by the company.

Sunday, July 19, 2015
New Video up...
Just a slight collection of some of my days doing conditioning work...
Let's get this work!!!
Let's get this work!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2015
A few Sample Workouts
I was looking at the site and realized that my sample workouts section is looking pretty bare.
So, we need to fix this!!! Here are three different workouts I recommended to one of my clients to get in/stay in good condition on the days we are not meeting.
More to come...
So, we need to fix this!!! Here are three different workouts I recommended to one of my clients to get in/stay in good condition on the days we are not meeting.
This is a simple circuit. Easy but effective. If you want to make it more intense then try not to stop until you are finished. Additionally feel free to add to or decrease to the amount of reps according to your skill level.
Warmup (Jumping jacks, jumping rope, jogging, etc..whatever
you prefer)
A) Pushups, (
Always change your hand positions to hit the muscle group slightly differently)
B) Pullups/Chinups
C) Dips,
D) Situps,
So once your workout starts its simply 10A, 10B, 10C, 20D.
Keep repeating the circuit until you have finished atleast 100Pushups-Ã 200Situps. Try not
to rest until you finish your situps. You can take a slight break at the end of
each circuit.
Workout 2
7mins of Burpees as many reps as you can complete. This is
a very tough workout. It is short and sweet
But intense as hell. Keep count of how many reps you
complete and write it down. Everytime you perform this workout try to beat your
old number of reps.
Not much to say about these. Start in a standing position, hop into the air, drop down into a plank position, do a pushup, and hop back up! If you want to still crank up the intensity then jump up with a knee tuck at the top of your jump!
Workout 3
This is another circuit type of workout. This is good as a warmup, a finisher or a full workout depending on your skill level.
A) Pushups
B) Pullups/Chinups
C) Dips
D) Double leg lifts (Put your legs in a straight line, bring
parallel to the ground and raise them up to almost a v position and slowly
lower them to about 6 inches above the ground and then back up again. )
This workout is the pyramid. Start with 1A 1B 1C 1D, then
2A 2B 2C 2D --Ã 10A 10B 10C
10D then go back down the ladder. 9A 9B 9C 9DÃ 1A 1B 1C 1D
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